HDHomeRun and MythTV 0.25

After having run the previous version of MythTV for a couple of years without any significant issues, I upgraded to MythTV 0.25. That broke a few thing, one of which I initially didn’t want to spend time on fixing for now: My existing grabber card sometimes locked up when starting a recording, preventing the box from shutting down, and it didn’t record any of the scheduled recordings either. I thought this could be related to a bug in an updated driver, so I decided to test out a HDHomeRun setup instead. As for saving time, that turned out to be a bad idea! But in terms of getting to a working solution, it looks as if I eventually got to a working solution… read on below. ...

September 21, 2012 · Per

WordPress on lighttpd with pretty permalinks

Even though wordpress runs very well on lighttpd (lightty), information on how to set this up is quite scattered around the net. On top, most of the explanations refer to one another, and only a few have proper explanations on what is going on — even though many are very helpful and may even work in some/many cases. One otherwise good write-up is the one done by Joe Crobak, but I think it is not fully correct as it suggests the two alternative methods below to be used in parallel (which is not really be needed). My take on this (which could also be incorrect… so I advice the reader to dig into the details of this before deploying it) is as follows: ...

March 8, 2012 · Per

MythTV på en Asrock ION platform

Opdatering: Guiden nedenfor er baseret på en ældre version af Mythbuntu og en ikke helt ny Asrock platform… Der er også nyere guides at finde på Open Company’s sider her, og det vil nok være en fordel at starte der! Mythbuntu på en Shuttle PC. Test af samme guide. Samme guide på Open Company’s sider. Nedenfor følger en vejledning i opsætning af MythTV på en Asrock ION platform (ION 330 HT)....

April 27, 2010 · Per

Nikkor 17-55mm f/2.8

Not many other lenses seems to generate as many heated discussions at sites like dpreview.com and nikonians.org as the Nikkor 17-55mm f/2.8. It is relatively expensive, and most people buying it rightly has high expectations for this Nikon top-of-the-line pro-grade fixed f/2.8 standard DX zoom. Let me say initially that I find it to be a very good lens, capable of rendering sharp, high-quality images, with beautiful color rendition and high contrast....

November 23, 2007 · Per

A silent NSLU2

This page is a terse description of what I did to get my NSLU2 box to run samba, ntp, nfs and firefly (mt-daapd) stable and silently (i.e. with disk spin down). An out-of-the-box NSLU2 with the Linksys software appears to work well with my WD My Book Essential 500 GB. It spins down nicely. But… It does not support ntp, nor will it run firefly. So I installed the uNSLUng 6....

October 31, 2007 · Per