So June ended up being the wettest month ever recorded in history. 150mm rain appeared around here, and most of this fell in the later part of the month — and probably half of it in one or two rather wet days.

However, rain is not bad for photography, and often gives nice photo opportunities, if one resists the temptation to stay inside.

Here is one shot, done with the 105mm f/2.8 VR.

The beauty of VR is that it actually works quite well, even in near-macro settings. As long as you are not too close, hand held is often quite OK. Processing was done with Lightroom version 1.1. I still like the Nikon Capture and NX colours better, but Lightroom is nice for organizing and browsing photos.

By the way, I installed the Lightbox plugin that allows images to overlay the present page. Click on the image above to see how it works.