Billeder fra Tivoli, Gallakoncert og Jazzhouse…

Hvis du er kommet her på siden for at finde billeder fra Musikskolernes Dag i Tivoli 2013, fra Høje-Taastrup Musikskoles Gallakoncert 2013 eller fra SABB og MGK koncert i Jazzhouse 2013, så kan du klikke på linkene herunder for at komme direkte til oversigten: Musikskolernes Dag i Tivoli 2013 (eller frasorterede) Høje-Taastrup Musikskoles Gallakoncert 2013 (eller frasorterede) SABB og MGK koncert i Jazzhouse 2013 (eller frasorterede)

May 4, 2013 · Per

Autumn Leaves (and the need for high DR)

Autumn has been particularly beautiful this year. Until roughly a week ago, we had only little wind and not too cold weather, so the leaves stayed put for a long time. Sadly that has now changed… Luckily, we visited the picturesque National Park Söderåsen in Skåne, Sweeden while the colors were still at their best. Hiking the forest was a wonderful experience, following trails along the small river until it eventually took us up the ridge overlooking the rift valley....

October 29, 2012 · Per

The worlds best camera…

OK, it’s an old saying but nevertheless: The worlds best camera is the camera you bring with you, especially when there is a shot you’d otherwise have lost. Yes, the quality is not as good as when I bring my Lowepro bag stuffed with DSLR equipment and a tripod. But sometimes you just happen to experience a beatiful or maybe unexpected sight that only lasts for a few minutes, and you want to capture it in some form, for you to recall later....

November 10, 2011 · Per

Roland R-05 Technical Review

Introduction I recently bought a Zoom H1 handheld recorder. As such, it offers tremendous value for the money, and I would likely have kept it (despite the fact that the handling noise is really high and the stand-mount is just made of plastic and the threads may easily be destroyed). However, as it turned out, my sample with serial number 12xxx suffered from a high current drain when switched off. It consumed 47 mA, which means it will drain a normal Alkaline battery in 2-3 days....

November 12, 2010 · Per

Billeder fra Musikskolernes Dag i Tivoli

Billeder fra Musikskolernes Dag i Tivoli 2010 (som billedet ovenover fra “Syng med rokkerne”) er nu online, og du kommer direkte til dem ved at klikke her. Hvis du gerne vil bruge billederne i f.eks. en folder, brochure eller tilsvarende, så send en mail til mig først (eller læg en kommentar til dette indlæg med en gyldig mail-adresse, så mail’er jeg tilbage). [really_simple_share]

June 14, 2010 · Per

White seamless

Making white really white is not always easy. Or, to be more precise, shooting on a white seamless background, trying both to make it truly white and at the same time getting the foreground correctly exposed, is a delicate balance. If you underexpose the background, it will not be white and there will be a lot of photoshop’ing needed. If you overexpose it, you will probably have a lot of flare and reduced contrast and also quite some photoshop’ing to be done…...

March 20, 2010 · Per

Maria og Kaspers bryllup/Fresco billeder

Hvis du er kommet her fordi du leder efter billeder af Maria og Kasper’s hyggelige aftenbryllup i Roskilde Baptistkirke, så klik her. Hvis du leder efter billeder af Fresco, og ikke kun vil se det bedste billede, så kan du både finde et mindre udvalg samt alle billederne ubehandlet.

September 14, 2008 · Per

Mariager 2008

(Billeder fra Mariager 2008)[/photos/Opgaver/Mariager%202008/index.html] ligger nu her på serveren. Der er primært billeder fra et par koncerter, men også lidt andet billedemateriale. Hvis du gerne vil bruge billederne, så send venligst en mail først. Sættet med sange (og en del andre) som blev brugt de fleste aftener ligger også tilgængeligt i Worship Assistant format. Hvis du ikke allerede bruger Worship Assistant kan du downloade en demo udgave til PC (kan også køre under Linux under f....

July 27, 2008 · Per

The making of a front-page candidate

The picture above illustrates the theme “Pass It On!”. Click on it to see a larger version. I had this idea of a relay race, with a dad passing on the baton to his son — only in this case, the baton would actually be a Bible. First problem to overcome was to find a course with clear track marks, to show clearly what is going on even with a tight crop....

September 8, 2007 · Per

Rainy days…

So June ended up being the wettest month ever recorded in history. 150mm rain appeared around here, and most of this fell in the later part of the month — and probably half of it in one or two rather wet days. However, rain is not bad for photography, and often gives nice photo opportunities, if one resists the temptation to stay inside. Here is one shot, done with the 105mm f/2....

July 3, 2007 · Per